Bluchem treatment

The best performing coatings for HVAC/R equipment in corrosive environments.

Corrosion coatings

Fighting corrosion with a protective paint system requires three steps. Firstly, identify the corrosivity of the environment. Secondly, determine the expected lifetime, and then thirdly, apply the appropriate coating system to match these requirements. Bluchem NACE certified Coating Inspectors can assist you to find the right coating to protect your valuable equipment.

The problem

• Some companies use coatings that are not specifically designed for HVAC/R equipment.

• Generic coatings can lead to heat transfer losses, inefficiency and early coating failure (detachment).

• Fin detachment and blocked coils increase a company's electricity use and lowers the life span of HVAC/R Equipment.

The solutions

• Specifically designed to protect coils located in highly corrosive areas.

• High solid content of crushed aluminium flake ensures a negligible effect on heat loss of VOC.

• Designed to not block coils and not limit their cooling and heating efficiency.

Terms & Conditions

View the terms and conditions

Panel Warranty

View the Bluchem panel warranty

PC Board Warranty

View the PC Board warranty

Protect your investment

Is corrosion eating your profits?

 Bluchem is about saving you money over the lifetime of your equipment. We specialise in high performance coatings for HVAC/R condensers, evaporators and associated panels/cabinetry. Bluchem is trusted by all the major manufacturers, specifiers and engineering consultants concerned with extending the operating lifetime of equipment and reducing energy costs. We welcome any comparisons to find  better coating performance or value for money (Cost over Lifetime) than Bluchem Coil Protection.

Bluchem is suitable for

• Split Units.
• Package Rooftops.
• Air Handling Units.
• Chillers.
• Panels and metal Brackets

Let's help you protect your investment

Find out how Bluchem can protect your investments and save you money over the lifetime of your equipment.