No heating system lasts forever. Although proper maintenance can help you optimize the lifespan of your aircon system, eventually, it will need to be replaced. It’s important to understand the signs of a heating system that’s on its way out so you can replace it before it breaks down for good. Doing so ensures you’re not sitting in a freezing house for days – or weeks.

Although some heating problems many only require minor repairs, it’s still important to know when it’s acting up.

1. No Heat in the House on a Consistent Basis

Do you frequently find there is no heat in your house, even though you’re running your system? This doesn’t always mean it’s time to replace it. In fact, this common heating issue may be a sign of less significant problems, such as clogged filters or failing components. Depending on your system’s age, it might be possible to restore it without swapping it out for a new aircon system just yet.

However, if this is a persistent problem in your house, even after you schedule the necessary heating repair service, you should begin looking into an upgrade. The odds are good that your current air conditioning system is going to die sooner rather than later. In the long run, you’ll save money by switching to a new one that doesn’t need frequent repairs.

2. Old Age

It’s worth noting that glaring heating problems in your house aren’t the only indicators a system needs to be replaced. Most should work well for approximately 10 to 15 years, assuming they’re properly maintained. If yours is over 15 years of age, you should start looking into newer models.

When heating systems get older, they stop working as efficiently as they initially did. The result? High energy bills. Although the cost of buying a new heater may seem far greater than the cost of high bills, in the long run, making the switch early could actually be the smarter financial decision.

3. High Bills

Monitor your energy bills to ensure they aren’t noticeably higher than you would typically expect them to be this time of year. Although numerous devices or appliances could be working inefficiently if your bills are higher than expected, if this occurs during the cold months, the odds are good, you have a central heating problem.

Call RF Refrigeration & Airconditioning and we can take a closer look at your system if you notice high bills. We will inspect it, letting you know if a heating issue is to blame. If so, we’ll also let you know whether repairs are sufficient, or whether you need to replace your aircon system entirely.

4. Frequent Heating Repair Bills

Again, as a heating system gets older, home heating problems will become much more common than they were when it was operating in peak condition. Which means you’ll need to schedule heating repair service more often.

Just as you should pay attention to your energy bills, you should also keep track of how often you need to schedule repairs. If the need for home heating repair service is becoming almost routine, begin the process of switching to a new unit. These heating system issues will only grow more commonplace if you don’t make an upgrade.

5. Temperature Differences Throughout the House

You already know that no heat in the house is a common sign of a heating problem that can be fixed by replacing your system. That said, there are times when it may work in some areas of the house but not in others.

There are several reasons this can happen. Regardless, your system requires professional attention if you notice this central heating problem. Unless you have a system that specifically allows for zoned heating, and you’ve chosen not to heat all rooms equally, the odds are good it at least needs heating repair service, if not a full replacement.

6. Loud or Strange Noises

A heating system may generate some degree of noise when in operation, even if it’s relatively new. This is the result of a complicated piece of equipment working to keep your home warm. That said, you should pay attention to the quality of the noise your system generates. If they have grown increasingly louder, or if you’re noticing new sounds, such as bangs or clangs, you once again need to contact the professionals. They’ll determine the cause of the problem, as well as the necessary solution.

7. Visual Damage

It’s important that you not merely pay attention to heating problems in the house to determine if your system is still working properly. You also need to perform regular visual inspections. During these inspections, you may find that the unit is substantially rusted. Cracks may have developed along its surface as well.

If you notice these, it typically means your heating system is quite old and will likely need to be replaced soon. Take this opportunity to begin researching your options. The sooner you decide on a new heating system, the better your odds are of replacing it before minor heating problems develop into major (and expensive) issues.

8. Indoor Air Quality Problems

Is your indoor air excessively dry? Excessively humid? Do you notice it seems to contain more dirt and dust particles than before? Are you or other occupants of your home getting sick more often, particularly during the winter?

These are all instances in which a heating problem may be to blame. Contact RF Refrigeration & Airconditioning to inspect it thoroughly.

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